Amid outrage over the movie ‘Annapoorani’, a case has been registered against actor Nayanthara, the film’s director and producers, and Netflix India’s content head Monika Shergill. The First Information Report, filed by a right-wing outfit in Madhya Pradesh’s Jabalpur, alleges that the accused hurt religious sentiments of Hindus, disrespected Lord Ram and promoted ‘Love Jihad’ through the movie.
The FIR was filed at the Omti police station by fringe outfit Hindu Sewa Parishad and names seven accused, including Nayanthara, director Nilesh Krishnaa, producers Jatin Sethi and R Ravindran, and Netflix India’s content hear Monika Shergill.
The movie, which released in theatres on December 1, began streaming on Netflix on December 29. After a backlash and several police complaints, it has now been pulled from the OTT platform.
The Jabalpur case, by the fringe outfit’s founder and president Atul Jeswani, has been filed under Indian Penal Code sections pertaining to promoting enmity among groups on the grounds of religion, and common intent.